• Ancient India

    Arthashastra: Kautilya’s Magnum Opus

    Arthashastra, composed by Kautilya in 4th century BCE, is a sophisticated and detailed treatise on statecraft. This timeless classic by one of the greatest statesmen and philosopher is a very comprehensive collection of strategies, roles and actions for different elements of the state.    Kautilya, aka Chanakya or Vishnu Gupta,…

  • Ancient India

    Saraswati River: Unravelling the mystery

    Indian subcontinent has been blessed with the greatest of gifts of natural wealth, be it the protective northern mountains or the jungles of central India, mineral rich plateaus or the vibrant coastlines. But, when it comes to the treasures we as a civilization have lost, Saraswati River arguably is the…

  • Ancient India


           India, or rather, Indian subcontinent, is the birth-child of great Indic Civilization, which developed over thousands of years. But the question as to who are the original inhabitants of India is rather futile, because all the members of our species have their roots in Africa.   It is now…